Gaming chairs have come under vast amounts of scrutiny since the explosion of the gaming industry. The original chairs have been held responsible for many physical problems amongst children and adolescents.
The chairs recently have seen a dramatic change in design and manufacturers are now making the claim that they are good for lower lumber support and will reduce back pain, which allows people to sit for longer to be able to play more.
It has been well documented that various gaming chairs create a poor seated position, which creates a bad posture from slouching or being hunched over. When sitting in these poor positions for vast amounts of time you can put strain on different sections of your back and the discs in these areas. The discs can compress or rub and create inflammation manifesting itself through different types of back pain.
The next generation of gaming chairs make bold claims, like they keep the spine aligned when playing and are good for posture development. I fail to see how being seated for hours and hours a day playing games is good for any persons posture.

These chairs have the potential to be very dangerous for children and adolescents who are currently experiencing growth spurts. As reported, some children spend up to 8hrs a day in these chairs and this behaviour during growth spurts could lead to a wide range of injury’s and grow deformities during key physical development phases.
The best solution to all of the over use injuries that can occur is to reduce the number of hours people spend in these gaming chairs. Getting the gaming population more involved in physical activity will help develop a healthy posture and reduce the risk of any over use injury that can be sustained from these chairs. Furthermore, the increase in physical activity will have a number of benefits related to mental health and wellbeing.
Such measures need to implemented, or young people when they grow up will suffer with serious physical issues in the future, due to poor lifestyle choices made when they were young. We have seen this with nutrition and poor diets in children already, gaming chairs will be the cause of further physical problems in generations to come.
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